Initially, when buying, I compared it with a Gemeinhardt P4. They were virtually identical in every way: tone, intonation, build quality, etc. The Woodwind P2 was about 2/3 the price, which made it an easy choice.
It is a good quality piccolo having good tone and intonation (for a piccolo LOL), but nothing fancy. Later I had a chance to play it side by side with a nice wooden Haynes for comparison. The Haynes was easier to blow both in the bass and in the highs. The Haynes also had a nicer, more focused tone. But the P2 held its own better than I expected in this comparison, especially considering its price. The P2 has a warm tone that is not shrill. Intonation is as good as the Haynes. Some notes are flat, like middle E and F. Some noes are sharp, like middle A. But overall it is very good as piccolos just don't get any better in the intonation department. The top register, where most piccolo music plays, is easiest to play in tune. I always liked this piccolo; doing the comparison only made me like it more. This piccolo is a superb value.