1 Mt. Rainier pops out above the smoke. |
 2 Cruising at 11500 MSL, 106 kias = 127 ktas, or 146 mph airspeed. |
 3 Flying over a sea of smoke. Legal VFR, but bring your IFR flying and nav skills. |
 4 Another view of the sea of smoke. |
 5 With the sea of smoke obscuring landmarks, navigation by instruments is the only way to get where you're going. |
 6 |
 7 Flying over Great Salt Lake, couldn't see much of it. |
 8 More of Great Salt Lake. |
 9 Stansberry Island, in the W side of Salt Lake. |
 10 Looking East across Salt Lake, you can just make out the opposite shore. |
 11 Mountains near Carbonville, NW of Moab. |
 12 Approaching Moab from the NW. |
 13 Stefan ahead of me on Bar M loop trail. |
 14 Yours truly in the foreground. |
 15 Some of the Moab desert scenery. |
 16 More Moab desert scenery. |
 17 Along the Bar M loop trail. |
 18 The Sidewinder trail returning back to Moab. Super fun! |
 19 Entrance to Arches National Park. |
 20 Another view of Arches. |
 21 Stefan about to head out on the 100 mile White Rim Trail, which he rode in 10 hours. Respect! |
 22 Hwy 191 near Moab. |
 23 Navajo Rocks Trail |
 24 More Navajo Rocks Trail |
 25 Navajo Rocks Trail |
 26 Navajo Rocks Trail, just before my bike broke (note the smile is big). |
 27 I took this photo right after my bike broke. |
 28 Hiking back with a broken bike, at least I had good scenery. |
 29 More scenery along the Navajo Rocks Trail while hiking back. |
 30 |
 31 Now a smaller smile, since my bike is broken and I'm pushing it through the desert back to the trailhead. |
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 35 Hiking back with my broken bike, almost to the road. |
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 39 Last picture with my bike, since it broke so I left it in the cabin for the rest of the trip. |
 40 Hiking around Mustang Loop. |
 41 More Mustang loop |
 42 A shady spot in the desert along Mustang loop. |
 43 Yours truly, with Gentlemen's Flying Club Alaska trip hat. |
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 47 End of the Mustang loop hike. |
 48 Early morning, flying back, between Moab & Carbonville. |
 49 Mountains around Carbonville. |
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 52 N end of the mountain range SE of Salt Lake. You can see the autumn tree leaf colors. |
 53 Utah Lake, near Orem |
 54 Mountains along the S and SW side of Salt Lake |
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 59 |
 60 Racetrack SW of Salt Lake |
 61 Stansberry Island, in Salt Lake |
 62 Flying N along the W side of Salt Lake, looking E. |
 63 Stansberry Island, in Salt Lake |
 64 Departing Burley ID, NW of Salt Lake, completely different terrain. |
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 67 Cruising at 8500 MSL, 112 kias = 125 ktas, or 144 mph airspeed. |
 68 A train below, about 2 miles long. |
 69 Crossing the Snake river into Oregon! |
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 73 A mine or quarry |
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 75 SE Oregon farming |
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 77 Forested rolling hills in SE Oregon with occasional hunting cabins. |
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 79 Farming in SE Washington |
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 81 |
 82 Mt Adams (L) and Mt. St. Helens (R) |
 83 Mt. Adams & St. Helens closer up. |
 84 Mt. Rainier |
 85 Mt. Rainier |
 86 Mt. Rainier |
| |