All posts by Mike Clements

Keyboard Switches: Summary


Touch typing on mechanical switches is faster, more confident and satisfying than on bubble dome switches, because mechanical switches are more reliable and give tactile and audible feedback as you type. Yet all mechanical switches are not created equal. They have a wide range of attributes. I’ll discuss these attributes, name a few switches and list my favorites.

Switch Makers

Back in the day it was IBM with their buckling spring switches, the classic of the 1980s. Alps was another big switch maker. After IBM stopped making buckling springs Unicomp bought IBM’s patent and carried that torch forward to this day. Cherry entered the picture, then Gateron and Keychron. We also have smaller volume boutique switch makers like Zeal PC. And many others…

Some of these makers have shared the same color coding of their switches by attribute. More on this later.

Switch Attributes

Switches have 3 basic attributes:

  • Sound: how loud is the switch?
    • Ranges from silent to loud
  • Tactility: whether the switch has a tactile “bump” during the keypress
    • Ranges from linear (none) to highly tactile
  • Weight: how much force does it take to press the key?
    • Ranges from light (40 grams) to heavy (70+ grams)

Switches have additional attributes like smoothness, but the above 3 are the primary attributes by which they are grouped.

All high quality mechanical switches are reliable and durable, meaning no missed or double strikes (common with cheap bubble dome switches), and last for 50 M or more actuations.

The most common switch size & shape is Cherry. Gateron, Keychron, Zeal PC and others copy this design – it’s become the standard. The bottom of the switch has flat copper pins that stick straight down to connect to the keyboard backplane (whether press-fit or soldered). The keystem sticks up with a + shaped male connector, and keycaps have a center stem with a female connector that plugs in. The switch housing has top & bottom halves held together with press-fit snaps. They can be separated, disassembled and reassembled.

Switch Colors

Most of the common switches have colors that indicate their attributes, and these colors are mostly standardized across makers.

BrownQuietLightVery Lightalmost linear, tactile barely perceptible
BlueLoudModerateLightfeedback more audible than tactile, high-pitch click
GreenLoudModerateModeratefeedback more audible than tactile, high-pitch click
YellowSilentNone/LinearLightmoderate linear: not too heavy nor too light
RedSilentNone/LinearVery Light
Buckling SpringLoudHighHeavyExcellent tactile feel, low-pitch clicky sound
ClickiezLoudHighModerateexcellent tactile feel, thocky sound, similar to a VT320 terminal
Zilent V2SilentLight/ModerateModeratesilent yet tactile

My Favorite Things

I like switches with plenty of feedback, both tactile and audible, with moderate to heavy actuation force.

My 2 favorite switches are Zeal PC Clickiez and Buckling Springs. I like them about equally, though the Clickiez are more convenient since they are Cherry compatible. However, these switches are both loud enough that I can’t type notes during Zoom calls, and they obstruct music on open-back headphones.

I don’t like silent switches, but the least bad I’ve tried are Zeal PC Zilent V2. They make several versions having different weights; I use 67 gram. Linear switches are the most common choice for silent switches, but lacking any feedback, they are not as satisfying or confidence inspiring. The Zilent V2 gives decent tactile feedback and is just as silent as linear switches. They feel like what Cherry Browns strive for, yet utterly fail to become. If Brown switches became smoother, more tactile, and didn’t suck anymore, they would become Zilent V2.


The latest fad is to lubricate switches. More specifically, lubricate the interface between the switch stem and housing, and the top & bottom of spring where it connects to the stem and housing. It’s a tedious process, as you must acquire special greases or oils, open the switch housing, take apart the switch, use a tiny paintbrush to apply grease exactly where needed, not too much nor too little, and reassemble the switch. It can take 4 hours to lube the 80-100 switches of a normal keyboard.

I’ve tried this and I’m not a fan. My lube experiment was successful and the switches were quieter and smoother. But they also felt sluggish, ruining their feel. Perhaps lubing just the spring and not the keystems would be better. But the spring usually doesn’t contribute much sound. IMO, lubing makes mechanical switches sound and feel more like the cheap bubble domes that we are trying to get away from.


Switches can be padded in 2 ways: in the keystem, or in the keycap.

Keystem padding is a rubber insert fitted into the keystem (inside the switch) that protrudes just a bit on the top & bottom of the side rails. It damps the top & bottom, softening the sound & feel when the switch hits the top & bottom of the stroke. Keystem padding is applied by the switch maker inside the switch and usually cannot be added afterward.

Keycap padding is an o-ring fitted around the center stem of the keycap. It damps the bottom-out of the switch, which hits the o-ring before plastic meets plastic. Keycap padding can be added to almost any switch or keycap, though it can conflict with some stabilizers. Keycap padding is easy to apply and to remove, and a set of o-rings only costs about $10, so it’s an experiment worth trying. O-rings come in different hardness and thickness. I prefer 40A hardness which is soft. For thickness, 0.2 mm is “L” and 0.4 mm is “R”. Most of the time I go with “L” but which works best depends on the application.

Frugality and Conservation: a Mindset

I hate seeing stuff going into landfill when it could easily be repaired and put back into useful service. This is true whether it’s computers, stereo gear, appliances, cars, or pretty much anything. And it’s educational and fun to fix things of all kinds. Too many people do the equivalent of buying a new car when their brakes squeak.

Discarding and replacing phones, computers, appliances, cars or anything else when they could be repaired seems wasteful and wrong. It also signals manufacturers that they don’t need to build anything to last. It tells them that planned obsolescence and poor quality is OK because people aren’t going to keep things very long anyway.

Another dimension of this is sustainability and the environment. How much energy, resources and labor are we spending to create new stuff to replace old stuff that still had years of useful life yet was discarded prematurely? All that energy, resource and labor could be put to better use. Some people get a new car every 3-5 years, a new phone every 2 years, a new computer every 2-3 years, etc. This stuff lasts more than twice as long as that.

Yet another aspect of this is economics. How much money are people spending replacing stuff that doesn’t need replacing? What a waste. That money could be put to better use, whether spent or invested.

Keyboard Review: Keychron V10 Alice


Over 20 years ago during Octane Software I was working 80 hours per week and typing a lot. As a fast touch typist (90-100 wpm) I’ve always loved buckling spring keyboards. But the ergonomics of a standard keyboard were giving me issues. It forces the forearms to be parallel, which means bringing your elbows close together in front of you. This is fine for a few hours, but not so great 12 hours a day 6 days per week. At the time, I got a Kinesis ergo keyboard that was split, tented, and adjustable. I liked the ergos but hated the bubble dome switches.

With a split keyboard, your forearms aren’t parallel. You sit closer to the keyboard with your elbows at your sides, further apart, while your hands come close together, so your forearms + body make a triangle whose point is your hands in front of you. This is a more comfortable position.

Ergo Keyboards with Mechanical Switches

Ever since then I’ve wanted a keyboard that has that split ergo shape (similar to the Microsoft layout) but with mechanical switches. Tough luck! Especially if you want a particular type of key switch, not the ubiquitous yet sucky Cherry Browns, which are barely better than bubble domes (if I sound like a keyswitch snob, yes guilty as charged). This means hot-swappable switch sockets.

I’ve found a few ergo keyboard options but none were all that appealing. Most were weird, pricey, with limited switch options and not hot swappable.

  • Kinesys: Advantage360, Advantage2
  • Truly Ergonomic
  • Ergodox
  • Atreus
  • Esrille
  • Matias Ergo Pro
  • Maltron

Enter the KeyChron Alice!

The Alice layout came out a few years ago in the DIY keyboard market. It’s a split layout similar to the old Microsoft Ergo keyboards, yet smaller, typically a 60% to 80% size. Since I use all the function keys, scroll-lock, page, etc. 75-80% is the smallest layout I can use. It looked promising, but as a DIY only option, you’d spend at least $400 (probably more) building one.

Last year, Keychron released four versions of this Alice layout: model 8 and model 10, in variants Q and V. Their site does a crappy job of explaining the differences, so here they are:

  • Model 8: 65% size / 68 keys
  • Model 10: 75% size / 88 keys
  • Variant Q: metal backplate
  • Variant V: plastic backplate

I don’t care about metal backplates; plastic is fine as long as it has solid build quality. And the Q variant costs an extra $100. So I got the V-10 model, which costs $104. That’s a great price for a keyboard like this:

  • 75% Alice layout
  • Knob/button (upper left corner)
  • Hot-swappable mechanical switches
  • Fully programmable via VIA & QMK
  • 4 layers (2 for Mac, 2 for Windows)
  • Programmable RGB lighting: color, brightness, pattern
  • Doubleshot PBT keycaps
  • Solid construction with high build quality
  • 3 switch choices: blue, brown, red


What’s not to like?


My setup includes:

  • Linux (Ubuntu 20) desktop
  • Windows 10 desktop
  • Windows 10 laptop
  • IOGear GCS1102 and GCS1104 KVM switches

Good Stuff

The keyboard had free shipping from China via DHL in less than a week. My first impression is quality and completeness. It’s fully disassemble-able and repair-able and comes with tools needed to take it apart. Build quality is excellent with high quality materials from the keycaps to stabilizers, case and construction. This appears to be a “lifetime” keyboard.

The first thing I did was set up the keys:

  • Removed the keycaps
  • Removed the switches (Keychron Blue)
  • Installed Clickiez switches (my favorite)
  • Installed o-rings on the keycap stems (0.2mm 40A)
  • Put it all back together

As I started typing, I sat closer to the keyboard with my arms in a more natural position and memories came back. After a few mins I pulled up an online typing test: 2 minutes averaging 92 WPM at 99% accuracy. This is close to my typing on normal keyboards. So the layout is quick and easy to adapt from a standard keyboard.

The keyboard has a small external switch next to where the cord connects that selects Mac vs. Windows/Linux mode. What it really does is set the default layer to 0 (Mac) or 2 (Windows). Layers 1 and 3 are accessed by using the Fn key from layer 0 or 2 respectively.

Bad Stuff

The Keychron mechanical switches (mine had Blue) are an imitation of Cherry or Gateron. They feel and sound about the same, but when I was pulling keycaps, two of them came up with the blue switch stem still attached, ripped it out of the switch body, which also broke off one of tabs (surprisingly tiny & delicate) that hold the switch stem inside the switch case. Take care when pulling keycaps from Keychron switches.

Note: Keychron support sent me 5 new blue switches. No hassles, no charge. Good support!

On a normal keyboard you can hit the “6” key with either hand (as I learned to type, the right hand is correct). Split keyboards give you no option. The Alice places the “6” key for the left hand only, which is just wrong. It will take me time to adapt to this.

The keyboard has 2 “B” keys, one for each side L and R. The proper use of B is with the L hand; I’ll never use the R side B key.

There is no R ctrl key. I use the ctrl keys on both sides without even looking, as it’s the most efficient way to activate various hotkey combos – just like the Shift key, ctrl-D using R ctrl, ctrl-P using L ctrl without lifting your fingers from the home position.

The cord plug-in point is exposed and has no strain relief. It would be better to recess it underneath the keyboard and provide molded recesses for cable strain relief, like most other keyboards do.

Through my KVM switch, this keyboard doesn’t support all its features. The knob doesn’t work, nor do the multimedia keys. And if you enable NKRO mode (Fn + N), it doesn’t work at all with the KVM switch. So with a KVM switch you must use the default 6-KRO mode. BTW, this is not documented and I lost hours troubleshooting why the keyboard wasn’t working at all through the KVM switch. Reloading firmware, etc. until I realized it was activating NKRO that caused the problem. Note that with other keyboards, the multimedia keys and NKRO do work through my KVM switch, so this issue is specific to Keychron.

When CapsLock is on, the LED lights up underneath the key. But the keycap is opaque and large, so it’s hard to see. Also, it’s always white so if your LED lighting is set to white, you’ll never see it. My solution was to drill a small hole in the upper side of the keycap. Now I can see the light easily, and it doesn’t interfere with typing.

The keycaps are very high quality: thick PBT with nice colors and sharp graphics. They not all the same height, which limits the ability to move them around if you change the key assignments. They seem to have OSA profiles. It would be better to achieve the ergonomic contour with the keyboard backplane instead of keycap heights, making the keycaps the same height and fully interchangeable. Even so, key swapping flexibility would still be somewhat limited, since some of the keycaps have different non-standard sizes.

The standard layout is missing some important keys that do exist in standard 87-TKL layouts having the same number of keys:

  • PrintScreen, ScrollLock, Pause
  • End
  • R side CTRL
  • Windows menu (it has the Win key but not the Menu key)

This keyboard does have 5 macro keys along the L side, so you can assign these. But you’ll most likely want to change the position of the Del, Home, End, PgUp and PgDn keys since they aren’t laid out in a logical way.


Here are the things I’ve done to address some of the above issues:

  • Disable NKRO – so it works with my KVM switch
  • Change R side ALT to CTRL – since I use it more often
  • Change R side B to ALT – since I’ll never use R side B and I need ALT on that side
  • Change the R side vertical run to Home, End, PgUp, PgDn – to make it coherent
  • Change Ins (above Backspace) to Del – since that is near where Del is on an 87-TKL and I don’t use the Ins key much at all
  • Set M1 – M3 to PrintScreen, ScrollLock, Pause respectively – since I use these keys
  • Set M4 to Insert, just to have this key if I need it
  • Set Fn-Win to the Menu key – so I have both Win and Menu
  • Set backlight to yellow-orange (any color but white), so the caps lock light is visible

Key Counts and Matching

This keyboard has 88 keys, so it’s similar to an 87-TKL layout. Yet having 1 extra key doesn’t really mean you get an extra key. With 2 spacebars and B keys, some keys are wasted. And others are missing, like End, PrtScr, etc. Yet it also has 5 extra keys M1-M5. The net effect is that it is equivalent to an 87-TKL. That is every key on a standard 87-TKL layout can be mapped to a key on the V10 Alice. But the layout is different of course, though you have total flexibility to map these keys anywhere you want.

Final Updates

I use this keyboard at work, where I spent a lot of time on Zoom calls. Clickiez switches are too loud for Zoom, so I replaced the switches with Zeal PC Zilent V2 (67 gram) so I can type notes while on calls. More on that here.


Here’s what mine looks like – you can see that I swapped some of the keycaps to indicate my key changes:

I like this keyboard. It’s high quality for a great price. The layout requires some adaptation, but it’s not too weird out of the box, and it’s flexible and customize-able. It’s comfortable to type on for hours. The incompatibilities with my KVM switch are disappointing, but the workaround is OK. Combined with the hot-swappable switches, repairability, open source firmware, and good factory support, this is a great keyboard.

However, after a month or so I still couldn’t get used to the layout. Not the alphanumeric keys, those were fine. But I underestimated how often I use arrow keys, PgUp/PgDn, etc. And how often I must use standard keyboards (at home, on my laptop when traveling). I could have gotten used to the Alice V10 layout if it were the only keyboard I used, but that was not the case. Fortunately, I found someone at work who wanted this keyboard. Even so, this is among the best ergo keyboards and worth a try for anyone looking for an ergo keyboard with mechanical switches.

Slide Rules: Trig

Introduction and basics in Part 1. Squares, Cubes and roots in Part 2. Here we cover trigonometry: sine, cosine and tangent. Not all slide rules have these scales, but when they do they are usually labeled as follows:

  • S: sine
  • T: tangent
  • ST: sine & tangent

Notes on these scales:

Trig Scales

You don’t need both sine & cosine, since they are inverse every 1/4 circle or 90 degrees. That is, for any angle A in degrees, sin(A) = cos(90-A). That’s why slide rules don’t have a cosine scale – it’s not needed.

Knowing a few key values of sine enables one to quickly estimate many problems (like crosswinds when landing an airplane) in your head. No need for a slide rule, let alone a calculator.

  • sin(0) = 0
  • sin(30) = 0.5
  • sin(45) = 0.707
  • sin(90) = 1

For small angles, sine and tangent are almost the same. Thus many slide rules have an shared ST scale for both, for small angles – typically less than about 5*. Exactly how close are sine and tangent for small angles?

  • 2 sig figs: 15* – sin & tan differ by the 2nd sig fig
    • sin(15*) = 0.259
    • tan(15*) = 0.268
  • 3 sig figs: 2* – sin & tan differ by the 3rd sig fig
    • sin(3*) = 0.0523
    • tan(3*) = 0.0524

Slide Rules!


I learned to use slide rules in high school in the 1980s. My physics teacher was one of the most memorable teachers in my life, “Mr. Jordan”. He said that slide rules can be faster than a calculator, and they promote a better understanding of numbers, orders of magnitude, and significant figures. They are not as accurate as calculators, but real-world problems only need 2-3 significant figures. As such, anyone who used a slide rule instead of a calculator would get a bonus 10% on every test, and answers would be considered correct if they were within 1% of correct. I was one of the few who took him up on this offer.

He handed out small circular slide rules, saying they were easier to use than linear slide rules (which is true, since circular never goes off scale). I don’t remember exactly what model slide rule it was, but the closest I know of today is the Concise model 28N. It was either that, or something very similar.

Note: I now have a Concise model 300, which is their biggest and best. The C and D scales are 8 cm in diameter, which is a circumference of 8π which is 25.2 cm, or about 10″. This is the slide used used in the photos below.

All we needed for physics was multiplication and division, and squares & cubes. Jordan would throw problems like, “A Porsche 944 goes 0-60 in 8 seconds. If it weighs 3000 lbs. with fuel and driver, and half the engine power goes toward acceleration, how much power does the engine produce?”

Since then I’ve been a slide rule fan. I use one when flying for computing fuel burn rates, density altitude, altimeter & airspeed corrections. I also keep one around for doing random calculations that come up during the course of a day. When 2-3 sig figs of accuracy is sufficient, it’s quicker & easier than a calculator.

Slide rules are antiquated tech. So why learn to use them? It’s for these secondary benefits mentioned above. And they are fun.


Slide rules are based on the concept of a logarithm (aka log). Every log has a base, and the log is what power you raise that base to get some other number N. Examples:

  • Log base 10 of 100 is 2, because you raise 10 to the power 2 to get 100, or 10^2 = 100
  • Log base 2 of 32 is 5, since 2^5 = 32
  • Log base 10 of 42 is 1.623 (approximately), or 10^1.623 = 42

The reason logs are useful, and how they led to the invention of slide rules, is because exponents are additive. That is: 10^5 = 10^(2+3) = 10^2 * 10^3

That means if I know the logs of 2 numbers A and B, call them La and Lb, then La + Lb is the log of the product A*B.

Note: Computer scientists take advantage of this when multiplying many tiny numbers together. Since computer floating points have finite precision, multiplying many tiny numbers leads to underflow. Instead, take each number's log and add them all up. Then at the end take the inverse log of that sum. This gives you the same product with much higher precision since it never underflows.

Now suppose I have 2 rulers with markings from 1 to 10. But instead of being spaced linear like a normal ruler, they are spaced logarithmically. If I line up 1 on the first ruler, with some number A on the second ruler, then the mark for some other number B on the first ruler will line up with the value of A*B on the second ruler.

A picture’s worth 1000 words, so here’s a circular slide rule.

The clear marker with the thin red line is called the cursor. We’ll ignore that for now. See how the two black highlighted “1” values are aligned? Each of those scales (inner and outer) are logarithmic. That’s why the range from 1-2 takes about 1/3 of the scale while the range at the upper end is much more compressed. As you start from 1 and go up the scale, the numbers start out spread apart and get more squished together.

Watch what happens when we slide the inner “1” to line up with the outer “2”:

If this were a linear ruler, it would be shifted by 1 over the entire scale: 1 to 2, 2 to 3, 3 to 4, etc. But not here, where 1 matches 2, 2 matches 4, 3 matches 6, 4 matches 8, etc. Every number on the inner scale matches the number exactly twice as much on the outer scale. And every number on the outer scale matches the number exactly half as much on the inner scale.

Below I’ve highlighted what I’m talking about. Each number on the inner scale matches to exactly twice its value on the outer scale.

In short, this slide rule is set up to multiply or divide any number by 2.

Yet here’s the kicker: this is not specific to the value 2. It’s downright magical. Here’s the slide rule with 1 matched to 3:

Similar scenario, only now we can multiply or divide any number by 3. And look below for 4:

Of course, this doesn’t just work for integers. You can do this for any number in the scale. In fact, now you know how to multiply or divide using a slide rule.

BTW, these are called the C and D scales. On this slide rule, D is the outer and C is the inner. That’s what the C and D are in photos.

What about Zeros and Decimals?

Suppose you want to multiply 3*4. First line up the C scale 1 with the D scale 3, then look at the C scale 4, which points to the D scale 12. See the picture below:

You might notice that it doesn’t actually say 12, it says 1.2. We happen to know that 3*4 is 12, so we interpret the 1.2 as 12. When you use a slide rule you need to keep track of the decimal point.

This is where circular slide rules are easier to use than straight ones. On a straight rule, this 3*4 problem is greater than 1, so it goes off scale and you can't read the answer. You need to shift to additional scales CF or DF (C folded and D folded) to read the results. Circular slide rules never go off scale, they just wrap around. Much simpler and easier!

All Those Scales!

So far we’ve only covered the C and D scales. You can see that slide rules have several other scales. Most slide rules have these scales:

  • C & D: multiplication & division
  • CI: inverses
  • A & B: squares & square roots

Some slide rules also have these scales:

  • K: cubes & cube roots
  • S, T, ST: sine & tangent

Let’s go through these one at a time.

CI Scale: Inverses

The CI scale is the inverse of the C scale and it’s marked in red. Simply put, it is the same scale but going backward – in the opposite direction. The C scale increases clockwise; the CI scale increases counter-clockwise. Each number on the C scale, lines up with its inverse on the CI scale. For example, 2 lines up with 5 since the inverse of 2 is 0.5.

Here, the cursor comes in handy to read these scales. For example, below the cursor is lined up on 4, so you can precisely read its inverse on the CI scale, which is 0.25. But as you can see all around the dial, each number on C always lines up with its inverse on CI, and both scales increase in opposite directions around the circle. I’ve marked some obvious points, like 4 and .25, 5 and .2, and their inverses.

For example, reading for yourself you can see that 1/7 is about 1.43. My calculator says it’s 1.42857. So we got 3 significant figures of accuracy there (more on sig figs later).


Now that you can use a slide rule for basic computations, have some fun practicing. I cover some of the other scales in part 2.

Slide Rules: Past the Basics

For background, here is part 1. It introduces slide rules and covers basic usage with C, D and CI scales. Here we cover the A, B and K scales for squares, square roots, cubes and cube roots.

A Scale: Squares and Square Roots

The A scale shows the square of each number on the D scale. Conversely, the D scale shows the square root of each number on the A scale.

Below the cursor shows that 3 on the D scale matches 9 on the A scale.

Note that as the D scale goes from 1 to 10, the A scale goes from 1 to 100. This means every single-digit number in the A scale has a corresponding double-digit number further up the scale. That is: 1 and 10, 2 and 20, 3 and 30, etc.

For example, below the cursor is on the A scale 30, showing the square root of 30 is 5.48:

So, squares are easy: just find the number on D scale and look to the corresponding number on A scale. But going the opposite direction, square roots, becomes ambiguous. What if you want the square root of a number that is not in the range of 1 to 100? For example:

  • If you want the square root of 400, on the A scale do you use 4 or 40?
  • If you want the square root of 4000,  on the A scale do you use 4 or 40?
  • If you want the square root of 0.5, on the A scale do you use 5 or 50?

First, observe that all of the single-digit numbers in the A scale occupy the first half, all the double-digit numbers the second half, and the split (the value 10) is exactly the mid-point of the scale. Thus, you can think of the A scale has having 2 halves. So the question boils down to knowing which half to use.

The answer is based on how many zeroes in the number whose root you want to know: is that number of zeroes odd or even? Adding or removing each zero (or each decimal point shift left or right) shifts back and forth between the 2 halves of the scale.

For example, consider the number 4.

  • The square root of 4 is 2 (low side of A scale).
  • The square root of 40 is 6.32 (high side of A scale).
  • The square root of 400 is 20 (low side of A scale).
  • The square root of 4000 is 63.2 (high side of A scale).

This pattern simply repeats. And it also repeats in the opposite direction:

  • The square root of 0.4 is 0.632 (high side of A scale).
  • The square root of 0.04 is 0.2 (low side of A scale).
  • The square root of 0.004 is 0.0632 (high side of A scale).

K Scale: Cubes and Cube Roots

The K scale works like the A scale. To cube any number N, find N on the D scale and look at the corresponding number on the K scale.

For example, this shows that 2 cubed is 8 (it actually shows that 2 squared is 4, and cubed is 8):

Yet the K scale also has the value 80, whose cube root is 4.31:

And the K scale also has the value 800, whose cube root is 9.28:

So while the A scale splits into 2 equal parts (1-10 and 10-100), the K scale splits into 3 equal parts: 1-10, 10-100, and 100-1000. Each of these occupies exactly 1/3 of the scale:

As with the A scale, cubing numbers is simple. Find N on the D scale and the corresponding K scale is N cubed. Yet doing the opposite, taking the cube root, is a bit more complex. You need to know which 1/3 of the scale to use. The procedure is a simple extension of what we did for the A scale. Yet since the A scale had only 2 parts, we thought of it as flipping back and forth. With the K scale having 3 parts, instead of flipping, each shift of the decimal point rotates forward to the next, or back to the prior part of the scale.

For example, consider the number 8:

  • The cube root of 8 is 2 (part 1 of  K scale).
  • The cube root of 80 is 4.31 (part 2 of K scale).
  • The cube root of 800 is 9.28 (part 3 of K scale).
  • The cube root of 8000 is 20 (part 1 of K scale).

It repeats every 3rd shift of the decimal point. And it also applies in the reverse direction as numbers get smaller:

  • The cube root of 0.8 is 0.928 (part 3 of K scale).
  • The cube root of 0.08 is 0.431 (part 2 of K scale).
  • The cube root of 0.008 is 0.2 (part 1 of K scale).

Exponents and Roots other than 2 or 3

Most everyday problems, especially those involving basic physics, use squares or cubes. Powers other than 2 or 3 are uncommon. Yet we do occasionally encounter them and you can solve them with a slide rule. The trick is to know some basic math rules about adding exponents.

Suppose we some number N, say 3.5, and we want to know N to some power, say the 7th power. So how would we compute 3.5^7 with our slide rule?

First, we split the exponent into smaller parts involving squares and cubes:

3.5^7 = 3.5^(2+2+3)

Next we split this out:

 3.5^(2+2+3) = 3.5^2 * 3.5^2 * 3.5^3

Now we have split the problem into squares and cubes so we can compute it on our slide rule:

3.5^2 = 12.2
3.5^3 = 42.8
12.2 * 12.2 * 42.8 = 150 * 42.8 = 6,430

Checking this with a calculator, I get 6,433.9. The slide rule gave us 3 significant figures.

Note: you can apply this same method with roots by taking the exponents as fractions. That is, the square root of 2 is 2 to the 1/2 power, cube root of 2 is 2 so the 1/3 power, etc.

What About that B Scale?

The B scale is the same as the A scale, used for squares and square roots. But it corresponds with the C scale instead of the D scale. Using D-A is the same as C-B. The B scale isn’t essential, but it is sometimes useful. On the Concise model 300, the A scale is along the outer circumference and the B scale is further inside. This makes the A scale longer and more accurate.

To quantify, on this Concise model 300 the A scale has a diameter of 9.2 cm and B scale 5.9. The A scale is 9.2 / 5.9 = 1.56 times longer. That’s a significant difference!


With squares and cubes, the power of the slide rule increases and we can solve a wider variety of problems. The next step is trigonometry: sine, cosine, tangent. These come up frequently in simple physics and everyday problems. This is covered in part 3.


Sanity Check: 0-60 Times

With electric cars, the classic performance metric of 0-60 time has gotten much faster, approaching the theoretical limits of available traction. Yet some cars show 0-60 times even faster than this, which seems impossible. Accelerating faster than available traction requires thrust that doesn’t depend on traction, like jet or rocket engines.

I suspect that the 0-60 times being quoted for some of these cars are not real, but just theoretical projections based on power to weight ratio. Here’s a way to sanity check them.

Braking is already traction limited. So when acceleration is also traction limited, the car should accelerate 0-60 in the same distance and time it takes to brake from 60-0. These might be slightly different, due to the car’s uneven front-rear weight distribution and different sized tires front and rear. But it’s still a good rough guide and sanity check.

Braking 60-0 is usually given as distance rather than time. But assuming constant acceleration (not exactly true but a decent approximation) it’s easy to convert. Remember our basic formulas:

v = a*t
d = 1/2 * a * t²

The best street legal tires have a maximum traction of about 1.1 G. You can get up to about 1.3 G with R compound racing tires, but most are not street legal and the ones that are, don’t last more than 1,000 miles.

Here’s how we compute this for 1.1 G with English units:

60 mph = 88 fps
1 G = 32 fps/s
v = a*t --> 88 = 32 * 1.1 * t --> t = 2.5 secs
d = 1/2 * a * t² --> d = 1/2 * 32 * 1.1 * 2.5² --> d = 110 feet

Braking from 60 to 0 at 1.1 G takes 2.5 seconds and 110 feet. If you look at the highest performance cars, this is about equal to their tested braking performance. So, that same car cannot accelerate 0-60 any faster than 2.5 seconds because no matter how much power it has, that is the limit of available traction.

Some cars claim to do 0-60 in 2 seconds flat. This is 1.375 G of acceleration and takes 88 feet of distance. It might be possible with R compound racing tires, but not with street tires. Any car that actually does this in the real world, must be able to brake 60-0 in 88 feet. If its 60-0 braking distance is longer than 88 feet, then it takes longer than 2 seconds to go 0-60.

Note: there’s rule of thumb for cars whose 0-60 time is power limited (not traction limited). Divide weight in lbs. by power in HP, then take half that number. For example, a 3,000 lb. car with 300 HP has a ratio of 10, and will do 0-60 in about 5 seconds. This of course is only a rough approximation, but it’s usually close; it works because acceleration depends on power to weight ratio.

How to True a Wheel: 4 Operations


Truing bicycle wheels is based on 4 basic operations that anyone can learn in 10 minutes. From there, it is only a matter of practice to become proficient.


Here’s the bottom half of a bike wheel viewed from directly ahead looking back, or directly behind looking forward.

Each spoke has a nipple that passes through the rim. The nipple is a nut threaded to the end of the spoke, which can be viewed as a long thin bolt. The nipple has a screw head on the outside of the wheel (under the tire where you can’t see it), and a square head that emerges at the opposite side of the rim inside the wheel. Normally, you adjust the nipple by using a spoke wrench (a kind of square-head socket) from the inside of the rim.

When you tighten the nipple it shortens the spoke, increasing tension. This tension pulls in 2 directions: to the side of the hub where the spoke attaches, and toward the hub reducing the radius of the rim.

When you loosen the nipple the opposite happens.

Spokes and their nipples use a standard right-handed thread. But this is from the perspective of being outside the rim “above” the nipple looking “in” to the wheel. When truing wheels, the usual perspective is the opposite: with your head to the side of the rim looking down at the inside of the rim. Thus when truing wheels, the spoke appears to be a left-hand thread. This is show in the diagram.

Spokes are usually adjusted in pairs. With 2 spokes and each moving tighter or looser, we have 4 situations to describe.

Move Right

This diagram shows how to shift the rim to the right by adjusting adjacent spokes.

Always ensure to loosen one spoke and tighten the other. Turn each spoke nipple the same amount in opposite directions. If you don’t do this, your adjustment will also shift the rim up or down, creating a bump or flat spot.

Of course, if the rim also has a bump or flat spot at the same point you need to shift it right, then you can tighten one side or loosen the other, but not both.

Pro tip: always loosen first, then tighten. This avoids excess tension in the wheel and makes the adjustments easier. And it helps avoid stripping the spoke nipples when they are tight.

Move Left

This diagram is the opposite of move right. The same text applies in reverse. ‘Nuff said!

Move Up

Here we’re talking about when the wheel isn’t round. A flat spot is a section with smaller radius than the rest of the wheel – pressed “in”. A bump is a section with a larger radius than the rest of the wheel, pressed “out”.

Moving up is how to correct a bump. It’s simple: tighten both adjacent spokes. This applies more tension pulling the rim inward against the bump. It doesn’t shift the rim left or right because the tension is equal on both sides.

Move Down

Move down is the 4th and last operation. You guessed it: loosen both adjacent spokes. This reduces the tension, allowing the rim to move outward. You may intuitively grasp that while the other 3 operations apply tension to force the rim in the direction you want, this operation does not. If so, your intuition is correct.

Spokes can only apply force in tension, not in compression (they can pull things together but they can’t push them apart). So “move down” is different from the other 3 operations. It is a passive operation – it reduces tension, freeing the rim to move outward, but it doesn’t apply any force to actually move it there. This leads to another important topic.

Wheel Tension and Stress

Before working on any wheel, and periodically as you make adjustments, you should grab a pair of spokes on opposite sides with each of your hands, squeeze them together tightly so the spokes bend, and release them. Then rotate the wheel and do the same with the next 4 spokes. And again until you go all the way around the wheel. A typical 28 spoke wheel will take 7 squeezes.

As you squeeze a pair spokes on opposite sides, you pull the rim inward at that point which exerts stress all around the wheel. Now this relates to the 4th operation “move down” – after you loosen a pair of spokes, squeezing every other pair around the wheel exerts forces to push the rim outward, and the point where you loosened the spokes is where the rim will “take out the slack” and bulge out just a bit as allowed by the spokes you loosened. Thus, after performing a “move down” operation, you need to tension the wheel in order for the change you made to take effect.

Another way to stress the wheel and equalize spoke tensions is to lay it on its side on a hard floor (take care to protect the axle end cap and rim from being scratched), lean over the wheel with your hands on opposite sides of the rim, and your knees holding the rim nearest your body down on the ground 90* apart from each of your hands. The wheel is touching the floor at the axle (its center) and at the rim under your knees. Now apply your full body weight to your hands as if you were trying to fold the rim in half. You can even gently bounce your full body weight on the rim. Then rotate the rim 45* and do it again, etc. 7 more times all the way around the wheel. Now flip the wheel over and repeat all the way around.

This applies forces to the rim to move it into a shape that matches and equalizes the spoke tensions. If you don’t do this, your spoke adjustments will tend to over-adjust the wheel, then the wheel will have pent-up stress that will redistribute when it is ridden. So after the first ride the wheel will be out of true or round again and need another adjustment.

Adjust – How Much?

No wheel is perfect. When you spin the wheel checking for left-right (trueness) and up-down (roundness), you will always find something. Once you get variations down to a millimeter or so (it doesn’t even have to be that good) they’re essentially perfect since that’s not enough to make any difference through the flexibility of the tire. And as the bike is ridden, stresses are distributed through the rim and spokes, which can shift things a bit. All perfectly normal.

Generally speaking, truing (side to side) spoke nipple adjustments are 1/8 to 1/4 turn on each spoke and rounding (up-down) adjustments are twice as much, or 1/4 to 1/2 turn. Of course, this is just guidance and how much you adjust depends on the wheel.

Adjust – Exactly Where?

Suppose you find a left-right or up-down “burble” in a rim that you will correct with one of the above 4 operations. Exactly which spokes should you adjust? Some burbles are small and span only a couple of spokes. Others might run for 1/4 or 1/2 of the wheel circumference. Remember that the rim has some rigidity of its own, so if a single spoke is too tight or loose, it will affect a section of the rim several spokes long. So don’t adjust spokes all the way along the burble, but only the innermost spokes. For example, if the burble visually spans 6 spokes, don’t adjust all 6, but only the middle 2 to 4.

For simplicity, the above 4 operations were explained in terms of symmetric spoke pairs on opposite sides of the rim. But your adjustments don’t have to span an even number of spokes. For example, consider a left-burble 5 spokes long that you need to pull to the right. You need to adjust the inner 3 spokes of the burble: 1 center spoke on the left, and the 2 spokes next to it (one fore, one aft) on the right. In this case loosen the middle spoke by 1/4 turn and tighten the other 2 spokes by 1/8 turn each. This will keep the rim’s up-down unchanged as you shift it right.

Spoke Tension – How Tight?

Wheels are not, and should not be, perfectly rigid. They are slightly elastic which makes them stronger. Spokes apply forces in tension but not in compression. The weight of the bike & rider is a force applied at the axle pulling down on the spokes at the top half of the wheel. Intuitively, the bike is hanging from the upper spokes. Thus as the wheel rotates, each spoke sees higher tension as it rotates through the top and lower tension as it rotates through the bottom.

Stiffness and strength are related, but not the same thing. When you start out with very low spoke tensions, tightening them increases both stiffness and strength. Spoke tensions too low / loose is obviously bad. We want nice tight spokes.

One of the factors determining the lifetime of a spoke is the difference in tension between max (spoke at top position) and min (spoke at bottom position) as the wheel rotates. The tighter the spokes, the less difference between this max & min. Put differently, looser spokes experience greater changes in tension forces with each wheel rotation, which increases stress on the spoke. Perhaps counter-intuitively, a spoke that is too loose / low tension can fail earlier due to greater tension differences as it rotates around the wheel.

So tighter is better – up to a point. Past that point, getting spokes too tight makes tension so high that it can make the wheel weaker even if it feels stiffer. Spokes that are too tight are likely to stick / freeze in place and strip the nipple when you try to turn it. The high tension can stress crack rims at the spoke holes (especially carbon rims). It can shear off the heads of spoke nipples. And it can make wheels suddenly break under load instead of flexing.

A 5th Operation: Dish

OK so I lied. Or at least I oversimplified. There’s another wheel adjustment operation called “dish”.

Wheels must be centered to the axle. But that doesn’t mean they are centered between the spoke attachment points on the hub, because many hubs are asymmetric. Rear wheels have a cassette on the drive side. Front wheels with a disc brake have the disc on one side. With these hubs, the spokes on one side attach closer to the end of the axle than on the other side.

To the left we depict a typical rear hub with the drive side cassette on the right. As you may guess intuitively, the spokes on the drive side that are close to perpendicular to the hub, have much higher tension. Normally, these drive side spokes are also shorter. When you squeeze the spokes you can feel the difference in tension.

To change the dish of a wheel, loosen or tighten all the spokes on one side by equal amounts. This will shift the entire rim left or right without changing its trueness or roundness. If you loosen one side and tighten the other, do it in that order – loosen first – in order to make it easier and avoid over-tightening the spokes.

Tools & Equipment

A truing stand is nice, but basic wheel adjustments don’t require one. If you do use a truing stand, don’t waste your time with a cheap one; you’re better off doing the work with the wheel mounted in the bike. The Park TS-2 (with variants like TS-2.2) is one of the best, a classic that most bike shops have used for more than 40 years. Also get a high quality spoke wrench because otherwise you’ll strip and destroy the nipples on high tension wheels. Replacing a stripped spoke nipple is a real PITA, better to not strip it in the first place.


Most wheel work involves adjusting true and roundness as wheels get stressed during riding. This is easy to learn. As you gain experience you’ll do it with increasing precision & speed, and develop a feel for proper spoke tensions. Mastering this prepares one for moving on to more advanced tasks like wheel building and more serious repairs.

Spokes (and matching nipples) come in different widths or thicknesses. 14 gauge or 2.0 mm, and 15 gauge or 1.8 mm are the most common. A 14g spoke nipple might seem to fit a 15g spoke. The threads will mesh but they’ll be loose, so don’t let that happen.

Also, nipples can be aluminum or brass. Brass nipples are stronger and essential for carbon rims since aluminum reacts with carbon via redox (reduction-oxidation), gradually corroding the spoke nipples until they break. It might take a few years, but it will happen. There are methods to slow down or mitigate this, but they are just kludges – no matter what you do it’s going to happen eventually and the only way to truly prevent it is to use brass. So I always use brass nipples, period. Not only for carbon rims, but also for tandems and mountain bikes, since you need the strength. Yet this means the only application for aluminum spoke nipples is road bikes with alloy (metal, not carbon) wheels. In this case, what’s the point? You only save a few grams, and if the rim is metal it’s not a lightweight wheel to begin with. Might as well use brass all the time. Aluminum spoke nipples are a weight-weenie marketing exercise to publish wheel weights a few grams lighter, at the expense of durability and longevity.

New MTB Wheels: DT Swiss Hubs + Reynolds Rims


I’ve blogged before about all the problems I’ve had with the Reynolds carbon wheels on my MTB. Summary:

  • In Oct 2020, the rear hub pawls sheared, stranding me in the desert near Moab.
  • In early 2021, the spoke nipples started breaking due to corrosion. Shame on Reynolds for using aluminum spoke nipples with carbon rims. I rebuilt the wheels with brass spoke nipples.
  • In 2021, the front hub developed a bit of slop/play. It wasn’t the bearings, but between the axle end caps and the hub shell, due to slight distortion of the latter.
  • In June 2021, the rear rim carbon delaminated, Reynolds sent me a new rim under warranty and I rebuilt the wheel the day before a big ride.
  • In Sep 2022, the rear axle broke, stranding me in the middle of nowhere on the John Wayne Trail.
  • In Oct 2022, the rear Hub shell was distorted (ruined) due to forces from the pawls. This hub has the pawls in the body and the ratchet on the freehub, the opposite of how it’s normally done.

The root cause of most of the problems is the Reynolds hubs – they just aren’t durable enough to stand the test of years & thousands of miles. Bearings, pawls, etc. are wear items but the hub shell/body should be a lifetime part. Clearly, these are not.

The only solution was to replace the hubs. But with what? After doing my homework I decided on DT Swiss model 350, front and rear.


  • 28 spokes: DT comp straight-pull, 14-15-14 gauge, length 283/282
  • Straight Pull
  • 100mm dropout distance
  • 15mm through-axle
  • 6-bolt disc
  • Rim: OEM Reynolds AR Carbon, 584, ERD 556mm


  • 28 spokes: DT comp straight-pull, 14 straight gauge, length 278/277
  • Straight Pull
  • 142mm dropout distance
  • 12mm through-axle
  • 6-bolt disc
  • SRAM XD freehub/driver
  • Rim: Reynolds Blacklabel 287 Carbon, 584, ERD 547mm


Straight-pull hubs are less sensitive to spoke length than conventional flanged hubs. A big difference in hub offset radius is a small (often 1mm) difference in spoke length. But, straight-pull hubs can only be laced one way – they take away all the freedom that flanged hubs provide. And straight-pull spokes twist up much worse the J-bend; a spoke grabber is essential. However, every broken spoke I’ve ever had broke at the J-bend. It’s a natural weak spot in the spoke. I’ve never broken a straight-pull spoke. To me, that’s worth the tradeoffs. Most likely, I’d be able to reuse my existing spokes.

Note: the DT Swiss 350 hubs have a different spoke lace pattern from the Reynolds hubs. Both straight-pull, both 28 spoke, symmetric 14 per side. But the spoke outlets alternate differently. More on that later.

After removing the spokes I scrupulously cleaned them with isopropyl alcohol. Then I chased the threads with fresh spoke nipples (DT brass, black), screwing each nipple all the way to the end of the spoke threads, where the end of the spoke sticks out of the back of the nipple by about 2-3 mm. Sometimes the nipple/spoke interface is so tight, this can’t be done by hand and takes a spoke wrench. Then unscrew the nipple and use it only for exactly that spoke.

Before inserting each new spoke into the wheel, I dip the spoke threads in boiled linseed oil. This lubricates the nipple-spoke interface, and after a week or so the linseed oil turns into a gummy paste that acts as a gentle threadlock.

All this adds an extra hour of labor to each wheel build. So why do it? New spoke nipples are tight, all that friction binds up, which often strips the spoke nipple’s square nut section before the nipple is properly tight. When this happens while you’re building the wheel, it’s super annoying. When it happens a year down the road while you’re truing the wheel, it’s a major hassle with tubeless MTB wheels. This extra hour on each wheel makes the build process seamless and efficient, and helps ensure trouble-free maintenance for years to come.

Front Wheel

Out with the old!

In with the new!

The front rim is the OEM, circa 2014 Reynolds AR carbon. It’s symmetric with center-line spoke holes, so the DT Swiss hub’s alternative spoke pattern didn’t matter. Due to the disc brake, the front wheel has a bit of dish and different length spokes on each side.

This was my second time to rebuild this front wheel. Hopefully, the last. After installing it in the bike, there is no more free-play. Problem solved!

Rear Wheel

Out with the old!

In with the new!

The rear wheel made me think thrice before lacing it up. The rim is asymmetric with all spokes offset from the centerline. This means the rim can only go on the wheel one way – you can’t flip it around – the drive side must be the wide side. And, the spoke access holes on the rim outer edge are offset to alternating sides. This makes the wheel stronger, but removing both of these degrees of freedom forces you to lace the wheel in exactly one way – no flexibility.

The problem is, the spoke access holes were on the wrong sides. In more detail: the standard way to build a wheel is to lace the wheel with the hub logo facing the valve stem, and put parallel spokes along the valve stem for easier pump access. The spokes next to the valve stem always go to opposite sides of the hub. Yet this wheel’s offset spoke access holes force those sides – you don’t get to pick. Problem is, the Reynolds and DT Swiss hub have opposite lacing patterns. Because they don’t have a flange, you’re forced to align the spokes a specific way. One of these hubs could not be properly laced to this rim.

On closer inspection, the spoke access holes are offset to the opposite side the spoke should go. Not the same side, as rims of yore did it. Why? Because carbon rims (unlike rims of yore) are deeper. When you insert a spoke screwdriver from outside the rim into the spoke access hole, that hole being offset to the opposite of the side of the hub the spoke attaches to, aligns your screwdriver straight-on with the spoke nipple head.

Because the inside spoke holes are not offset, but all aligned (off rim center, but still aligned), you could lace the wheel either way. But lacing it one way, it’s harder to screw the spoke nipples from outside the rim. Fortunately, that’s the way I built this Reynolds wheel a year and a half ago. I had no choice, the hub and rim design gave me no other option. Apparently, Reynolds changed their offset patterns after my OEM hub was made, and before my warranty replacement rim was made. But for the DT Swiss hub, it lined up as it should.

A newborn rear wheel, still on the stand. So beautiful!

Wrapping Up

My original front rim (AR) has a 23mm inside width, and the warranty replacement (Blacklabel) measures 27mm. I ran out of rim tape for the front, so I had to order another roll. I had only enough 27mm rim tape to wrap the rear once, and I prefer to wrap it twice. So the tires are not yet installed. But I did mount the rims back on the bike. Perfect fit, perfect dish, no bearing play.

One thing I don’t like about this DT Swiss rear hub is it has a lot of drag when coasting. More drag than standard pawls & ratchet. Perhaps that’s a small price to pay for the higher durability and longevity of the unique DT Swiss ratchet mechanism. Maybe it will loosen up as it breaks in. I might also replace the ratchet grease with a heavy oil like chainsaw bar & chain oil. We’ll see…


To their credit, reynolds admitted the reason their hub shell deformed is due to flawed design. Here’s the freehub pawl pocket distortion:

So Reynolds offered a warranty hub replacement, and confirmed that their new hubs use the conventional design of ratchet in the hub shell and pawls in the freehub/driver, which is more durable. But their offer was a joke. Mail your wheel to them, they’ll rebuild the rim onto a new hub, with new spokes, and charge you $200 for parts & labor. Well, it costs about $100 to mail a wheel. So that’s $300 for each wheel, or $600 total. Sure it’s a lot cheaper than a new set of carbon wheels. But you’re not getting a new set of wheels. You’re getting your same old rims back with new hubs.

I asked them if they could simply mail me replacement hubs under warranty and I’ll rebuild the wheels myself, reminding them that when the rim failed they mailed me a naked rim and I rebuilt the wheel myself. They said no.

So I bought a pair of DT Swiss 350 hubs, total cost $425. Plus an extra $10 for new brass spoke nipples, because now I’ll have black rims, black hubs, black spokes, so I wanted black nipples. Because black is cool. It cost me less than Reynold’s “warranty” offer, and I got a better set of hubs that should last a lifetime.

The only discouraging part of the process was during the wheel build. Theoretically, if you start with a rim that is round & true, and equal length spokes (each side may have different lengths, but the lengths of all spokes on each side the same), then each side of a wheel built true and round will have equal spoke tensions all around. Conversely, if a wheel is true and round but the spoke tensions are not equal, then the rim is bent or has pent up stress. This theoretical ideal is usually achieved with new rims. But when rebuilding a rim that has thousands of miles on it, all bets are off. When building these wheels, I noticed that the spoke tensions were not as equal as I would like. I do stress the wheel when building to seat spoke & nipple heads and release/equalize stress. But apparently that wasn’t enough. They’re great wheels, so I hope the spoke tensions equalize as I start riding them again. They usually do.


I put about 70 miles on these wheels since I rebuilt them, 12 of which on rugged (black diamond) MTB trails. They were perfect from the get-go: no pops or clicks from spokes settling, no need for truing or rounding. The front wheel’s hub play is eliminated – steering is precise and the bike feels & sounds solid over the bumps & jumps. On the rear wheel I cleaned both drive ratchets and lubed their outer circumference (where they engage with the hub & freehub) with chainsaw bar & chain oil, which is only a tad thinner than the OEM red grease (which appeared to be #0 or #1 viscosity). Engagement is rock solid and confidence inspiring. When coasting, it’s nearly silent. The bearings are dead silent and butter smooth in feel. Overall, it’s exactly the repair / modification I needed.

A month later the non drive side spokes felt a bit loose, so I tightened all the spokes 1/4 turn. Some of the drive side spokes are reaching their tension limit, any more and the spoke nipples will strip. Spoke tensions are as tight as they can reasonably get.

Airplane Engines


Most small airplanes are powered by piston engines. Car engines are sometimes used for kit or experimental airplanes. It seems like a logical thing to do since most car engines are reliable and less expensive than aviation engines. Yet while some car engines have performed well in aviation, they are the exception that proves the general rule to the contrary.

Here I’ll discuss some of the important ways in which airplane engines are different from car engines.

Rotational Speed

A typical prop for a small airplane has about a 76″ diameter (more or less). That’s a circumference of about 20′, which is how far the tips move in each revolution. The speed of sound is about 1100′ per second (sea level standard conditions), so that’s 55 revolutions per second, which means at 3,300 RPM the tips of the prop are moving at the speed of sound.

When the tips move faster than about 85% of the speed of sound, they start to lose efficiency. The airflow changes and they start making more noise & turbulence, and less thrust. And it creates unnecessary stress on the prop. So we need to limit the prop to about 2800 RPM. But we need to limit a bit more than that, because the airplane flies at high altitude where air is colder and sound travels slower. So typical small airplanes like this have a prop redline of 2700 RPM, plus or minus (lower for bigger props).

Power moves the car, or the airplane, or anything else that moves. In an engine, power is torque * rotational speed. Cars have a transmission enabling the engine and wheels to spin at different speeds, so they can rev up the engine to make good power, then gear it down to the wheels to maximize performance. To avoid the complexity, weight and reliability issues of a geared engine, in most airplanes the prop is bolted directly to the engine crankshaft. Thus, limiting the engine to 2700 RPM limits the power it can produce.

Consequently, most aviation engines don’t make much power for their displacement (for example the popular Lycoming O-360 which makes 180 HP from 360 ci), but they are designed to produce their rated power continuously while being lightweight and reliable.

Duty Cycle

Cars spend a lot of time in traffic constantly changing speeds. And cars rarely use their full rated power, but spend most of their time producing only a small part of it. For example, it takes about 30 HP to move a typical car down the freeway at 60-70 mph. For a car with a 150 HP engine, that’s only 20% of its rated power. A car engine is optimized for this duty cycle: to be efficient and reliable while producing a low % of its rated power.

Airplanes spend most of their time in cruise flight moving at a constant speed. The engine is running at a constant speed at or near wide open throttle, producing a high percentage of its rated power. For example, cruising at 70% power is typical. Airplane engines are designed to operate efficiently and reliably while generating their full rated power.


The value of light weight in an airplane engine is obvious. Consider the Lycoming O-360 mentioned above. It is a large displacement 360 ci engine that weighs only 260 lbs. A typical car engine of similar displacement weighs more than twice as much.

Of course, that 360 ci car engine would produce more than 180 HP. So for a fair comparison consider a modern car engine making 180 HP, like the Mazda Skyactiv 2.5. It produces 180 HP and weighs 260 lbs. In power and weight it’s similar to the Lycoming. But that Mazda is not designed to produce its rated power continuously. If you ran it constantly at wide open throttle at 6000 RPM it would not last very long.

It’s not easy to produce a lightweight engine that can operate reliably while continuously producing its full rated power. From a power / weight / reliability perspective, the Lycoming O-360 is comparable to modern car engines in 2022. This is especially notable when one considers that the Lycoming is a design from the 1950s.


Modern car engines are fully computer controlled. The driver applies a certain amount of throttle, and the engine computer determines the valve timing, spark timing, air/fuel ratio, etc. and constantly changes or adapts these settings to the conditions.

Airplane engines are manual. The pilot sets the throttle, RPM, and mixture manually. How can a human compete with a computer? Pretty well, it turns out, because the airplane spends most of its time in cruise flight, running at a constant power level, RPM, and altitude. This gives the pilot time to carefully optimize these settings and leave them there for hours.

One way to measure efficiency is miles per gallon. That Mazda gets about 40 miles per gallon on the freeway. A Cessna 172 in cruise gets about 18 miles per gallon. The Mazda wins, right? Well, it’s not really a fair comparison because the Cessna is going twice as fast. If you drive that Mazda twice as fast (say 130 miles per hour), it’s going to get about 1/4 the fuel economy, which is 10 miles per gallon (or less). So at the same speed, the airplane is almost twice as efficient. Indeed, other airplanes like Mooneys are far more efficient than the Cessna.

Yet this method of measuring efficiency is more about air resistance or drag, than the engine. Airplanes are just inherently more efficient than cars. What if we ignore that and focus on the engine itself?

Another way to measure efficiency is BSFC: brake-specific fuel consumption. That is, how much fuel does the engine consume to do a certain amount of work? One way to measure this is horsepower per gallons per hour.

Let’s estimate this for the Mazda. Suppose it’s getting 40 miles per gallon at 65 miles per hour. Each hour it burns 65/40 = 1.625 gallons of gas. Traveling that fast takes about 30 horsepower, so it produces 30 / 1.625 = 18.46 HP per gallon per hour.

Now consider the Cessna 172. It’s getting 18 miles per gallon at 130 miles per hour. Each hour it burns 130/18 = 7.2 gallons of gas. But how much horsepower is it generating? That is about 65% power, which is .65 * 180 = 117 horsepower. It produces 117 / 7.2 = 16.25 HP per gallon per hour.

So here the Mazda engine is about 13% more efficient (18.46 versus 16.25). However, keep in mind that this is when producing only 30 / 180 = 17% of its rated power. The Lycoming was producing 65% of its rated power. When you open the throttle to make the Mazda produce 65% of its rated power, its efficiency drops significantly, well below the Lycoming.

Note that each engine, car or airplane, is more efficient than the other when operating within its typical duty cycle.

Reliability and Durability

If an aircraft engine fails in flight, the airplane stays in the air but not for long; it becomes a glider that is going to land somewhere very nearby, very soon (within minutes), and most likely off-airport. It is an emergency situation that can lead to injury or death. If a car engine fails, you coast down and simply pull over to the side of the road. It’s an inconvenience, not an emergency.

Airplane engines are designed for reliability. Their spark plugs are powered by magnetos, so (unlike a car) the engine keeps running even if the electrical system fails. Each piston has 2 spark plugs, so if one fails, the piston still produces power. They have 2 separate magnetos and half the plugs are fired by one magneto, half by the other, so if one magneto fails, the engine keeps running. They are air cooled, so there is no water pump that can fail, no radiator that can leak. Also, they spend most of their time in cruise operating around 2500 RPM, so they have static spark timing optimized for that speed – no need for timing advance means simplicity and reliability.

Plenty of historical examples demonstrate the problems using car engines in airplanes. In the 1980s, Mooney made a plane that was optionally powered by a Porsche engine. It had so many problems, the changes needed to make that engine reliable in aviation were so extensive, Porsche gave up and discontinued it. Thielert had a similar situation building Mercedes diesel engines for aviation use. You can google the details on these and other examples.

Yet how do we reconcile this history with the fact that aviation engines use technology that is more than half a century old? A pilot’s pet nickname for Lycoming is “Lycosaurus”!

Consider how any engine becomes reliable: start with a good design, then tweak a little it every year to address any problems discovered in the field. Cars follow this pattern. They come out with a new engine, the first year has some issues, each year it gets a little better, then 5-10 years down the road, just when the engine is reaching its peak, they scrap it and start all over with a new design incorporating new technology. Imagine how reliable car engines would be if they never scrapped it, stuck with the design and continued that incremental improvement for 50 years. The engine would be “low tech” for sure. And may not be as efficient. But reliable? You betcha – they’ve seen just about every failure there is and incorporated changes to address it.

This is what a typical Lycoming or Continental certified aircraft engine is: the result of more than 50 years of incremental improvement on a design that was pretty good to begin with. It’s ancient technology, yet it’s highly optimized and adapted in an incremental, evolutionary way.


Last year, Mazda built more than half a million engines. Lycoming produced about 4,000 engines. Yet this difference of more than 100:1 understates the difference, because there are many car manufacturers while there are only two manufacturers of certified aircraft engines: Lycoming and Continental. For each aircraft engine built, more than 1,000 car engines are built.

To produce reliable engines at such low volumes, aircraft engine manufacturers use completely different production methods. Each engine and all the parts in it are individually hand-built, inspected, and tested before leaving the factory. Visit a modern car engine factory and it looks like a scene from a sci-fi movie where robots have taken over the world. Visit an aviation engine factory and it looks like you’ve gone back in time to a boutique hot rod custom engine building company.


Cars and airplanes are completely different applications with different requirements. It should be no surprise that engines optimized for one are not well suited to the other. High technology is not and end, it is a means to an end. The end or goal is meeting the requirements for the application. Pilots building their own kit / experimental airplanes can use any engine they want. Yet most of them still prefer certified aviation engines from Lycoming or Continental, despite the high cost and low technology compared to car engines. This is not irrational, but backed by some of the reasons discussed above.

All that said, much of the reason aviation engines are so low tech and expensive, is certification. The cost to certify an aircraft engine is so high, and production volume is so low, they can never break even on a new engine design. Over the years, this forced them to differentiate and improve their products with incremental tweaks to existing designs. One can view this as an unintended consequence of over-regulation: certification rules that were intended to promote safety, led to technological stagnation. Or, one can view it as a beneficial outcome that optimizes for reliability in their intended application, which is crucially important with aircraft engines.